Mass Violence Weekly News Roundup 6/15/22

This week's news roundup on cases of mass violence relevant to prosecutors and prosecution teams is featured below. CBS Baltimore 6/10/22 On June 9, there was a mass shooting at a manufacturing plant in Smithsburg, Maryland. The suspect is injured and in custody. Associated Press 6/12/22 In Gary, Indiana, an early Sunday

2022-06-15T19:06:38-04:00June 15th, 2022|Featured, Gun Violence, Mass Violence, News, Prosecutorial News|Comments Off on Mass Violence Weekly News Roundup 6/15/22

Mass Shooting Resource Guide for Prosecutors

Prosecutors Against Gun Violence (PAGV) released a Mass Shooting Resource Guide for Prosecutors in the Spring of 2020.  This guide provides lessons for what to do in the event of a mass shooting which include charging decisions, investigation, community involvement and providing victim services.  The guide also discusses how prosecutors can work to advocate

2022-06-10T10:50:10-04:00June 10th, 2022|Announcements, Featured, Gun Violence, Mass Violence, Resources|Comments Off on Mass Shooting Resource Guide for Prosecutors
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