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So far Sasha has created 102 blog entries.

AGACL 44th Annual Conference Post-Session Surveys

Please take the time to complete the post-session survey for each day that you attend the conference. For attendees wishing to get CLE credit, completing the post-session surveys is required. If you encounter any technical difficulties with completing the survey, please email sasha.beatty@apainc.org. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day

2024-08-05T11:14:21-04:00August 5th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on AGACL 44th Annual Conference Post-Session Surveys

Measures for Justice Helps Fairfax County, VA, Pursue Its Goal of a More Transparent Criminal Justice System

Fairfax is part of seven other communities across the U.S. to participate in data assessments to increase prosecutor accountability (Fairfax County, VA) November 9, 2023 – To combat a lack of standardized criminal justice metrics, the Fairfax County, VA, Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney (OCA) announces the completion of a data assessment to help

2023-11-09T17:15:45-05:00November 9th, 2023|APA In The News, Dashboards, Featured, Press Release, Prosecutorial Dashboards, Tableau, Technology|Comments Off on Measures for Justice Helps Fairfax County, VA, Pursue Its Goal of a More Transparent Criminal Justice System

AGACL’s 43rd Annual Conference Resources and Post-Session Surveys

Please take a moment to complete the feedback surveys for each session you attended at AGACL's 43rd Annual Conference. In order to receive MCLE credit for the sessions you've attended, you must fill out the feedback surveys. Hard copies are also available in your materials packet at check-in. Day 1 Post-Session Survey

2023-08-08T10:49:08-04:00August 8th, 2023|Capital Litigation|Comments Off on AGACL’s 43rd Annual Conference Resources and Post-Session Surveys

Prosecutors for Prosecutors Campaign Launched

We are reaching out today with an urgent request. Thousands of U.S. and allied trained prosecutors were left behind in Afghanistan after the fall of Kabul in 2021. Today, they are being hunted by the Taliban as revenge for prosecuting criminal cases against them.  Many have been tortured and killed. The rest remain in

2023-08-01T10:35:11-04:00July 31st, 2023|Featured, Highlights, Prosecutorial News, Prosecutors for Prosecutors|Comments Off on Prosecutors for Prosecutors Campaign Launched

Financial Assistance Opportunity for AGACL Conference: Sign Up Today!

APA, with assistance from the Bureau of Justice Administration’s  Capital Case Litigation Initiative (Grant No. 15PBJA-22-GK-03018-CAPL), is excited to present prosecutors with a financial assistance opportunity to attend AGACL’s 43rd Annual Conference, taking place August 9-12, 2023 in Pasadena, CA. To be eligible to receive this assistance, you must be an active capital or

2023-06-15T09:47:18-04:00June 15th, 2023|Announcements, Capital Litigation, Featured, Resources, Scholarships|Comments Off on Financial Assistance Opportunity for AGACL Conference: Sign Up Today!

APA Statement on Covenant School Shooting and Mass Violence

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys grieves with the families and community reeling from the horrifying and tragic violence of March 27th.  Gun violence is a public health crisis. The connection between mass violence and prior warning signs, such as incidents of domestic violence or animal abuse, must be acknowledged, and taken seriously, by prosecutors,

2023-04-04T14:04:06-04:00April 4th, 2023|Announcements, Featured, Gun Violence, Mass Violence, Press Release, Resources|Comments Off on APA Statement on Covenant School Shooting and Mass Violence

Case Backlog Training and Technical Assistance Competitive RFP Goes Live

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, with support from the Stand Together Trust, is excited to announce training and technical assistance (TTA) opportunities for prosecutors’ offices  across the country via the Prosecutorial Case Backlogs project. This is a competitive application. The goal of this effort is to provide site-specific training and technical assistance, as well

2023-03-23T16:03:23-04:00March 23rd, 2023|Announcements, Case Backlogs, Featured|Comments Off on Case Backlog Training and Technical Assistance Competitive RFP Goes Live

Colorado emerges as the national leader in prosecutorial transparency

Download the Press Release

2023-03-08T14:39:56-05:00March 8th, 2023|Data, Featured, Prosecutorial Dashboards, Prosecutorial News, Technology|Comments Off on Colorado emerges as the national leader in prosecutorial transparency
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